Why won’t they answer your after-hours call?? By the time someone calls us here at Crose Mechanical, located in Owen Sound, we’re often the second, third, or even fifth company they’ve reached out to that morning. Smartphones and the internet make it easy to shop around, but too often, these calls come from people who just want heat—without paying for it.
Many times, it’s tenants calling when their landlord hasn’t approved repairs, meaning we don’t get paid. Out of compassion, I’ve helped in these situations before, but experience has taught me an important lesson: selling a furnace to someone who won’t take care of it isn’t truly helping them. Unfortunately, some companies follow a “sell it and forget it” approach, and we end up getting calls from their frustrated customers later on.
After 37 years in this business—alongside my time in financial planning—I’ve learned exactly who I can give my all to. That’s why we created the Crose Comfort Club. We’re not just here for a one-time sale. We believe in building long-term relationships, ensuring that our customers receive reliable service and proper care for their equipment.
Just last night, I drove to Miller Lake for a no-heat emergency. The customer swore we installed their furnace, but we had no record of it. Turns out, we never did the installation—it was done by another company. Their original installer wasn’t answering, so in desperation, they called us. I still went and fixed it, hoping to get paid, but it reinforced the reality of this business.
I don’t have the time or energy to chase “maybes” anymore. My focus is on serving those who value quality, reliability, and long-term care. Join the Crose Comfort Club, and we’ll take care of you—not just today, but for the future.