Spring Has Sprung with Heat Pump Rebates!
Blog by Eric Crose of Crose Mechanical

Spring has sprung.
The grass is riz.
I wonder where
My air conditioner is.
Are you starting to think about air conditioning?
If you have a central air conditioning system now, it is probably a rectangular box outside in your garden.
And it may need to be serviced for trouble-free AC this summer.
If you don’t have one or are thinking of upgrading, times have changed.
Now there are lots of options, from pretty efficient to extra amazingly efficient.
Air conditioning (and heat pumps, which also have air conditioning included…….) can have a normal
compressor, like the rectangular box outside, or an inverter style compressor which tends to be much more electrically efficient at a reasonable price.
Inverter style is not just for ductless systems now. It is also available for traditional forced-air systems. It can be added to your furnace to give cooling (and heat in the fall) at a lower cost than the boxes.
The Rectangular box air conditioner (or heat pump) discharges its warm air out the top making installation under a deck problematic. The warm air hits the deck above and recirculates into the sides of the air conditioner picking up even more heat, in a vicious cycle that will damage your compressor.
The inverter style air conditioner (or heat pump) is side discharge meaning the direction of airflow is horizontal. And it is likely more efficient.
If you do not have ductwork, the inverter style, extra efficient “mini-split”, “ductless” air conditioning (and heat pump) units are available with up to 9 heads, of many different descriptions.
We are now proud distributors of Daikin products, along with our flagship Trane products. Visit www.daikincomfort.com (And hopefully, we are on the Find a Contractor at the time of you reading this newsletter, BUT if not…..). Call us at 519-372-2978.